Best Day of the Week

Raspberry Infused Gin

Go Berry Picking, Then Make Crumble

If you haven’t noticed already, collectively we have a real affinity for gin. We’ll drink it any way we can get it – with soda on the rocks or in a fancy cocktail.

Gin works well with a number of flavours and one of our favourite things to do is dabble in gin infusions. Reason being, infusions add a whole other dimension to the flavour and are super easy to do. In fact, this isn’t the first gin infusion we’ve shared on the blog (see our Earl Grey Gin Sour recipe).

After our returning home from our raspberry picking adventure we knew we had to put these little red gems to good use – thus, enter raspberry infused gin.

This is the best part: add the raspberries and gin to the mason jar , muddle with a wooden spoon and let sit for at least 24 hours, but you’ll have a stronger raspberry flavour if you leave it for a week or longer. When you’re ready to put your gin to use, just strain and serve.


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