Best Day of the Week

Throw The Best Virtual Party Ever

How to Throw a Virtual Party

With social distancing in place, and a full-on potential lockdown around the corner, it has become next to impossible to do a lot of things, including see friends, fam, and loved ones. But even though you can’t see these people in the flesh, it’s still important to stay connected – otherwise I think we can all agree we would lose our minds – and cabin fever would kick into overdrive. It’s also crucial to check in with people at a time like this, especially as so many people are completely alone.

During this time, our goal is it to stay positive and feel uplifted in whatever way we can, all while following the guidelines and restrictions Public Health has advised. I don’t know about you guys, but for us, what keeps us positive is good company, paired with some games, music, a good bevy and just letting the good times roll! Basically, we’re trying to have fun like we always do, just modifying our approach to fit with the times. With that in mind, we’ve hopped on the virtual party bandwagon. We did some research, experienced some trial and error and think we have a really good handle on what works best. So we put together a fool-proof guide to throwing the best virtual party of all-time. Buckle up.

Our approach was simple: we wanted to make this party feel the least URL and most IRL possible! So we stuck to what we knew best and treated this party like every other party. Here’s our formula:

1. Choose a Theme – Make it as special as possible! The silver lining to hosting a virtual party is that its the most budget-friendly hang ever. Everyone’s in charge of bringing their own booze, snacks, napkins, plates, EVERYTHING… so channeling that effort into a good theme is how you, as a host, can contribute! Plus, suggesting that guests dress up is a really fun way to visually bring some of that party energy into the chat room and make it special. Here are some themes to choose from…

2. Choose Your Video Conference Software – We did the research for you and tried a couple of accounts out there. The two that landed on top were Zoom & Whereby…here’s why:

3. Make Invitations – We used Facebook events to invite guests and track attendance. Take it to the next level with a design app like Canva to create your Facebook Event page background to get it to flow with the theme. Ours looked like this:

Fun right? Also, don’t forget to copy the meeting link right into the Facebook event so everyone knows where they need to be come party time!

Play up the theme, TO THE MAX –  Like I said earlier, you’re going to want to elevate aspects of this event to make up for the fact that it’s a virtual party… so play up that theme as much as you can! Here’s how:

Playing the Free Trial of Drawful via Jackbox Games!

Get a Group Game Going- We dug up all the info you need to make this a full-blown Virtual Games Night! We like the idea of shifting to games when you have a big group, because it can be difficult to navigate a conversation when you’ve got 16 people in the mix. It’s not like a real party where you can break off into smaller groups for conversation, you know? So games are an easy way to get everyone involved and keep it somewhat organized.

The secret to a good virtual games night is Jackbox games. Right now, they are giving away one of our fave games, Drawful 2, for free! In Drawful, each player receives a weird and unique prompt that they must try to draw on their mobile device (without the aid of an eraser – which Alyssa did not like because she wanted her drawing to be on a whole other level). After each “artist” presents their work, everyone else anonymously submits a title that could fit this bizarre drawing. Trust us, it’s super fun. We love that Drawful is free right now, because it allows you to see if you like it before committing to one of Jackbox’s PARTY PACKS, which sell for various prices. A personal fave of our is The Jackbox Party Pack 3, because the combo of games is hella fun! All the simple instructions (including a tutorial as to how to play these games while conferencing on ZOOM) are available on their site. There are also other apps like Houseparty, an online Karaoke game through the app Smule, Cards Against Humanity and a ton other games via OR, share your screen and put on some YouTube!

The rest is up to your gang! Get ready for this to be a regular thing, so you might as well master it, especially if you’ve got the month subscription!

Looking for other ideas for fun and games? Check out some of our other posts:

Tropical Vibes

These tunes are deserving of a good float. Think Marley, UB-40, Shaggy and more.

Click Here to Start Listening!
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