Celebrate Christmas with a Home Alone Drinking Game

We watch Home Alone at least once every Christmas. If this film isn’t in your holiday arsenal then you need to reassess your life choices. Home Alone came out in 1990 and it still totally holds up – that’s the magic of John Hughes. We were born in the late 1980’s, so this movie is peak childhood nostalgia for us.
We totally wanted to be Home Alone watching this movie as kids, so we could eat whatever we wanted and totally be able to hands anything solo. But the truth is, Home Alone would have been a super dark movie if it happened in real life. Marv and Harry are pretty terrifying and also seemingly impossible to kill. Plus, a tarantula gets loose in the house (!!!!!), that alone gives me the heebie jeebies.
This year we wanted to watch Home Alone in a brand new way, so we gave it the drinking game treatment! If you’re going to make your night a drunk one, this is the right way to do it. We know this movie like the back of our hand, so making the rules was easy. We also created the opportunity to add an extra level of drinking, depending how committed you are: It’s called “Get Buzz’d” and it will show you what being drunk really means.
- Home Alone (dust off your VHS or DVD copy or hit up a streaming service)
- Rules, you can download ours by signing up for our mailing list below
- Drinks, choose your own adventure but we recommend a low percentage beer like Bud Light
- Large cheese pizza (optional, but you definitely don’t want to hit play on an empty stomach, and once Buzz eats all the cheese pizza you’ll be wishing you had a slice)
- Snacks (this is a time when you’ll want those pretzels to be makin’ ya thirsty)
Grab your pals, hunker down in front of the TV and follow the rules. We recommend keeping a cooler nearby because you’ll be grabbing a new beer often and you won’t want to be going all the way to the fridge.
A group of 5-10 people is best for this, as any more than that and it will get rowdy (can confirm). You’ll want to be following along pretty closely to catch those sips.
We’ve got the perfect drink to kick things off: Les Incompetents. It’s a boozy homage to Home Alone that will literally leave you incompetent. Grab the recipe here.
Kid on Christmas Morning
This playlist is filled with classic and nostalgic Christmas tunes for continuing the party once the credits roll.