Best Day of the Week

DIY Picture Frame Wreaths

DIY Picture Frame Wreaths

Four years ago we made some epic Christmas wreaths. It was super fun, and we all still use them every Holiday. We love them so much (and not to brag, but they’re better than a lot of the wreaths you can buy) that it got us thinking about making a wreath for every season.

So, we were all about making some sweet fall wreaths today. But, we wanted to give them a bit of a twist. So many fall wreaths have that rustic, branch-y base, which we like, but it’s a bit predictable and a touch too similar to the look of our holiday wreaths. On a practical level, it can also be a difficult material to adhere the decorative elements onto. We were looking for an out-of-the-box base to use and that’s when an idea was born. During a recent trip to Value Village we picked up some cheap picture frames, which we were now set on using as our wreath base. They were a bit rustic, would go well with fall colours and who says a wreath has to be circular?

Were pretty excited about how they turned out. Rachel was on holiday for this one, so it was just Vanessa and I. We each chose a different colour theme, but both of our masterpieces radiate fall vibes, but not enough that we couldn’t keep them up all year round, you know? These guys would also look great as part of a photo wall, or as a wedding or bridal shower decoration.

1. Plug in that glue gun and let it heat up.

2. Decide where on your frame you’d like your flowers. Wrap that area with burlap ribbon, which will make it easier to glue your flowers and such to  the frame. You may also want to wrap your whole frame in burlap like I did. If so, now is the time.

3. Choose the flowers you’d like to use. We started by selecting the one flower we wanted to have as our central focus, followed by some of the medium sized flowers and then fill with the smaller pieces like branches. Glue them on one-by-one.

4. Hang the finished product, and take in the beauty of it.

We sipped on the perfect fall cocktail while we DIY’d our hearts out. We used Forever Nuts tea from David’s Tea and added rye, Amaretto and OJ. And let us tell you: it is very very good. Grab the recipe here.

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