Have an Easter #SundayFunday Featuring a Rhyming Egg Hunt

Just because you’re not living in a world where a giant bunny breaks into your house in the middle of the night to hide egg-shaped candy, it doesn’t mean the end result can’t still be a reality. Our 7-year old selves would be proud that we’re letting the tradition live on. Every Easter we still like to have a fun hunt, because you can never be too old to eat candy for breakfast. Sidenote: it’s the best when you randomly find a chocolate egg you missed in your house in like July (it’s like we were just saving it for later).
This Easter Sunday I tagged in to take charge of our #SundayFunday Easter Extravaganza. It made sense because it combines two of my favourite things; painting and chocolate! And just because I’ve long since come to the harsh realization there is no REAL Easter bunny, I had fun playing the part for the day and making my own rhyming scavenger hunt. Download the PDF clues below and use them in your own home!
The clues are very simple and lead to generic locations everyone can find in their house. The first one starts with hiding chocolate inside an egg carton in your fridge. The second is the inside of your pillowcase. Here’s the whole breakdown:
- Egg Carton in the Fridge
- Inside your Pillowcase
- Inside a Light Shade
- Inside the Oven
- In a Shoe
- Inside a Tool Box
- Under the Bed
- In a Closet
The secret to a great Easter Hunt is creating an extravagant Grand Prize to discover at the end of the search. For this, more is more and making it look over the top extra special will leave your friends glowing and signify the end of your hunt.
For our Easter #SundayFunday afternoon I really wanted to paint eggs. We had some dye left over from a tie dying venture last summer so it only made sense to try our hand at tie dye easter eggs!
- Paper Towel
- Food Colouring
- Spray Bottle
- Rubber Gloves
- Elastic Bands
- Hard Boiled Egg
- Tray for drying
Wrap the egg in paper towel, using an elastic band to secure the top. Liberally apply food colouring all over the egg. Once you are satisfied with the pattern spray egg with water and place in a tray to dry. Let dry for 3-4 hours or until dry to the touch. When you open it up the resulting effect will look like tie dye.
Easter #SundayFunday pairs really well with chocolate martinis. For this martini I used Godiva White Chocolate liqueur and vodka with a dash of half and half for extra creaminess. I drizzled chocolate fudge on my glass before pouring my cocktail in it for an added je ne sais quoi! You can get the recipe here.
At The Hop!
Music the Easter Bunny would get down to. Decorating eggs and scavenger hunts calls for classic Oldies hits. From Elvis to Stevie Wonder, music that you can sing along with that brings you back to the good ol’ days when you still believed in the Easter Bunny. Check out our Hoppity-Hop playlist on Spotify for the perfect Easter Sunday vibes.
Click Here to Start Listening!