The Five Best Drinking Games of all Time, With a Downloadable Playbook

Did you know that evidence of the existence of drinking games dates back to antiquity? One of the earliest known drinking games is called Kottabos and it’s from Ancient Greece. It started in 4th century BC. Players would use dregs (remnants of what was left in their cup) to hit targets across the room. There were special prizes and everything based on performance. So, sounds like drinking games haven’t really gotten more sophisticated.
A good drinking game sets the tone for the entire night. So, whether you’re prepping to go out or it’s just the beginning of an epic night in, there’s a drinking game that’s right for you.
When it comes to picking our a drinking game to get the party started, we don’t stray from the classics, but we do add our own twist. So we’ve put together our very own handbook of our all-time favourite drinking games. You can print this bad boy out and keep it on your games shelf (everyone has one of those right? Otherwise where do you keep all your Cards Against Humanity bonus packs?).
- Our drinking game handbook, which you can download here.
- Drinks, otherwise it’s just a game (Focker)
- Friends
- A deck of cards (for most games)
- Red cups (for most games)
- A liver that’s up for a good challenge
- A Gatorade on your night table for the following morning (drunk you should always be looking to help out sober you, you’re on the same team after all)
We made this super easy for you. All you’ve gotta do is download our drinking game handbook and we’ll tell you exactly what to do. Now that’s having your back.
The only responsibility you have is gathering your pals and pouring drinks.
Feeling Competitive?
These tunes will get you jacked up for some serious drinking.