Challenge Friends with our Selfie Scavenger Hunt

Guys – it’s finally April. We did it. We made it through what felt like the longest month of our entire lives. And while the state of the world isn’t any better, at least the days are longer and spring is starting to show itself in Toronto. At a time like this, we’re just trying to find the silver lining here. Because we really need it right now.
Getting serious for a second: all three of us have lost our jobs as a result of coronavirus, which has been difficult. I work in the restaurant industry, Rachel is a hair and makeup stylist and Vanessa works in entertainment PR specializing in live events. Enough said right? All of these industries (like most) have been ravaged. In fact, if we didn’t have this blog we would probably lose our goddamn minds. So we’ve been creating some fun activities to share here – because we know that if we need them, there are others out there that need them to. It started with our stay-at-home bucket list and quarantini pairing, continued with our guide for throwing a sweet virtual party and now we bring you the selfie scavenger hunt.
Our adult scavenger hunt is such a hit, that we’ve been wanting to do another scavenger hunt for awhile. So, we decided to create a version that could be done at home while still allowing you to challenge your pals. And we made it fun. The selfie scavenger hunt is exactly what you think it is: a list of interesting and challenging selfie scenarios, with points associated with each. Whoever completes the most selfies in the pre-determined challenge period wins. The list has fifty items and is divided into four sections: Actions (like eating pizza, recreating an album cover or taking a selfie of you taking a selfie – so meta); Wearing (like jammies, a face mask, wig or all one colour); With (your favourite item in the house, something sparkly, something that starts with the letter “y”); and Dressed Like (a mad scientist, animal, cowboy). Basically, there’s something for everyone and enough options that you can pick and choose.
- Our selfie scavenger hunt, which you can download by signing up for our newsletter below. We promise we will only send you super cool stuff.
- Opponents. You can do this challenge alongside one other person or recruit a big group.
- A competitive spirit

- First recruit your opponents. We threw out our challenge on our Instagram for other to join in on, so if you’re reading this in early April 2020 then please get in on it. Otherwise, two or more people is enough to have a little fun.
- Next, set your timeline. It’s a long list, so we recommend at least three days or even a week if people are still working or have commitments.
- Now comes the fun part. Complete and share as many selfies on the list as possible with your opponents. Combine selfie categories into one photo for added points, like Rachel did in the photos above.
- If you’d like, you can award bonus points for creativity, but it’s subjective so it could start fights (consider yourself warned)
May we recommend a cocktail to go along with this challenge? Check out our recipe for a Paper Plane, a boozy concoction of bourbon, Aperol, amaro and lemon juice that will give you the liquid courage to do just about anything on the list. Grab the recipe here.
Feeling Competitive?
These tunes will get you jacked up for some serious selfie compeition.