Make DIY Fruit Popsicles

For us, warm weather means it’s popsicle time. We love a good popsicle because there’s something about them that are super nostalgic. When we were kids we used to hit the corner store in the summer and get those basic popsicles you could break in half. I would always get really excited when I could track down the banana ones (and really bummed when I broke my popsicle trying to split it in half!).
Now that we’re full blown adults we decided it was time to up our popsicle game. So, we picked up some cool popsicle moulds from Amazon and made our own. I had been seeing super cool layered popsicles on Pinterest and had really wanted to try out the technique for myself. And warm weather in Canada means more fruit is in season (and a lot less expensive to buy!), which seemed like a pretty good excuse to make it happen! So, we made three kinds: honeydew blackberry, mango strawberry and pineapple raspberry. And you know what? The process was pretty quick and easy and they turned out great!
We didn’t really follow a recipe, and will be honest with you – we made a mistake with our mango popsicles the first time around. We underestimated the importance of adding liquid to the blended fruit because we wanted them to be really rich, like a sorbet, but we we had a really hard time pulling them out of the mould because they weren’t freezing very well! So, we’re sharing our wisdom from a little trial and error.
Use the breakdown below as a guide, but keep in mind the quantity of ingredients depends on what mould you’re using as well as how many popsicles you’d like to make. What we’ve included below accounts for approx. 6 popsicles each. If you have leftover liquid in your blender, you can just drink it like a smoothie! Also, if you’re using different fruit than what we used below, just keep in mind that you’ll want to add more liquid to fruits that have less water naturally. For example, you’ll note that for our honeydew blackberry popsicles we used less water than our mango strawberry smoothies because honeydew naturally has more water in it. Also, we added less sweetener for fruit popsicles made with sweeter fruit. We also encourage you to try your fruit before adding sugar, as you may have picked up a particularly tart batch of blackberries and want to adjust the sweetness level accordingly.
- Popsicle mould (we grabbed ours off of Amazon here)
- Popsicle sticks
- Fresh fruit
- Blender or food processor
Mango Strawberry
- 1 mango, peeled
- 3-4 strawberries, sliced
- 3/4 cup of water or herbal tea
- 1/2 tbs of white sugar (you could also use honey, stevia or coconut sugar)
Pineapple Raspberry
- 1 cups of raspberries
- 1.5 cups of pineapple, cubed
- 1/2 cup of water or herbal tea, chilled (we used Moringa Mermaid from David’s Tea, which has notes of honeydew melon, pineapple and moringa). Using herbal tea instead of water just gives the popsicles more flavour.
- 1/2 tbs of white sugar (you could also use honey, stevia or coconut sugar)
Honeydew Blackberry
- 2 cups of honeydew, diced
- 1 cup of blackberries
- 1/2 cup of water or herbal tea
- 1 tbs of white sugar (you could also use honey, stevia or coconut sugar)
- Purée each fruit in a blender or food processor, dividing the sugar and water or tea between each type of fruit to add some liquid in to the mix.
- Pour each fruit mixture into the popsicle mould, alternating types for a layered effect.
- Add the popsicle sticks.
- Freeze for at least four hours before removing popsicles from the mould. We found it was easy to pull them out if we ran warm water over the popsicles in the mould for 10 seconds or so.
We also have a great idea for how you can put those popsicles to good use. By now, you may have noticed that we really like prosecco. In fact, we try and find a way to incorporate prosecco in to everything that we do. And today was no exception. Put your popsicle in a wine glass and just pour prosecco all over it. You won’t regret it. For more photos and to read us gush more about this, we’ve got an entirely separate post here.
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