Get Outside with a Winter Skating Adventure

We’re Canadian, so it can get crazy cold in the winter. Despite this, we try and embrace the chill and make sure we get outside from time to time, even during coldest of days. But the only way to handle the cold is to make sure you get moving – which is why we love to skate.

Toronto has a number of spots for skating, including Nathan Phillips Square which is totally picturesque. Now, we’re not the best skaters, but what we love about Nathan Phillips Square is that you’ll find skaters of all abilities and everyone looks out for the ones that are not as light on their feet as the others (which is totally us). Today we saw a toddler who could barely walk, a woman about our age that had never been on skates before and a ton of seasoned pros that I swear were going to bust out a triple axel at any moment.
We’re actively trying to become better skaters, so this was a good activity for us. We know a ton of people that are amazing skaters because they grew up playing hockey, but we unfortunately just aren’t those people (yet).
One of the best parts about skating is that it’s either free or really cheap. You may have to rent skates or pay a fee for the rink, but if you’ve got your own skates and access to a public rink then you’re laughing. Its perfect for January and February when you’re recovering from an expensive December.

- Skates (bring your own, or most rinks have a spot to rent them)
- Warm jacket, hat and mitts
- A hot beverage (we’ve got a boozy hot chocolate recipe for you below)
- Optimism about the cold

Head to the rink and lace up those skates. If you haven’t skated in awhile it may take you a couple of laps to get your bearings, but really skating is lot like riding a bike – so you’ll be flying in no time. And when you’re ready to do a triple axel, here’s a sweet tutorial.

We recommend keeping a hot beverage on hand to stay warm. This boozy hot chocolate will do the trick, topped with extra marshmallows obviously. Grab the recipe here.

Walking on Sunshine
These upbeat tunes will get your blood pumping.