Boozy Snowcones

Snowcones make me feel like a kid again. It’s been years since I’ve had one, because they’re usually sold alongside ice cream, and ice cream always wins out.
Now that I’m full-on adulting though, I’m seeing snowcones in a brand new light. A boozy light.
We’re standing by the LGBTQ2 community this weekend during PRIDE, so we wanted to create something fun and colourful for the occasion. It’s been unseasonably hot here so one of the first things that came to mind was boozy snowcones.
We wanted to use a couple different types of liquor to create some cool, rainbow colours worthy of PRIDE celebrations.
So we picked up some Campari, Aperol, Limoncello and Blue Curaçao due to their brightly coloured hues.
- Campari (roughly 2 oz – 3 oz depending on the size of your vessel)
- Limencello (roughly 2 oz – 3 oz depending on the size of your vessel)
- Aperol (roughly 2 oz – 3 oz depending on the size of your vessel)
- Blue Curaçao (roughly 2 oz – 3 oz depending on the size of your vessel)
- Ice (we used one full bag)
- Blender or food processor (or a snowcone machine if you’ve actually got one!)
- Snowcone cups or some sort of dixie cup
For starters, you’ll need to crush up your ice. We literally took a hammer to our bag of ice to break it down in to smaller chunks.
From there, we used our blender (Vanessa has a Vitamix, which came in handy) to break it down in to smaller pieces. It took us about 15 minutes to do that, as we only added a couple of handfuls of ice to our blender at a time. We had a big bowl on hand to dump our crushed ice into while we continued the ice-blending process.
Then we grabbed our cups and scooped some ice in to them. You can use your hands to smooth the ice in to a circular shape at the top, crushed ice molds really well! From there, you literally just pour your booze on top and go to town!